Front Page>en>Journal>Our environmental pledge
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Our environmental pledge


Our operations are located in the middle of Lake Saimaa, and we want to ensure that this environment and ecosystem remain clean and vibrant. Nature is vital both for our company and for the people of Oravi. We strive to set an example of how business can be developed by respecting biodiversity. We have implemented the Ecocompass environmental management system, which provides concrete ways of managing our environmental impact and helps us to focus on what matters most in our operations. We comply with local and global guidelines on sustainable development and responsible tourism, as well as environmental legislation and practices to the best of our knowledge and ability. In the future, we will pay more attention to how we instruct our visitors to act sustainably and how we train our staff to set an example. We are committed to continuous environmental improvement and development. We want to be innovative in finding new ways to conserve resources and keep up with developments.

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